
Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

Signature Kill

Read Book Signature Kill

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He's going to leave his mark on you. This is the gripping new Frank Behr novel from David Levien, author of City of the Sun. It is perfect for fans of Harlan Coben and Chris Carter. The serial killer: He's disturbed and dark. Very dark. For this man, killing is like a craving he just can't satisfy. Death is his art and his victims simply his materials. But half the fun is in the planning, and this killer knows how to plan, and how to stay unseen. The cop: Frank Behr isn't even a cop. He used to be a cop, but now he's just a man, down on his luck, and tangled up in a whole lot of trouble. When he discovers a connection between a missing persons case and one of the serial killer's victims, he is forced to go it alone to find the culprit. The wrong side of evil: This is a hunt that will push Behr to the limits of his skills, and the limits of his morals. Because as Behr is drawn further into this killer's grotesque mind, he finds that the line between good and evil is more grey than he ever imagined.


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